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The summer after I graduated college, I had trouble falling asleep at night. I was entering a new chapter in my life. Anxious thoughts were constantly swirling around my head making it impossible to chill out. One night, I stumbled upon sleep meditations and sleep stories. I found solace in their amazing ability to put me to sleep. I tapped into their power for the next couple of years.

Then one day, while on a hike with my dog (Murphy) near a beautiful mountain stream in the foothills of the Rocky mountains, I had a desire to record the enchanting melody of the water. This desire turned into an obsession. After recording hours of natural sounds, I felt there was something else I was missing. I wanted to create something personal, something that I could share with everyone. It dawned on me that I could help people fall asleep by writing and reading stories to them. And with that crazy idea, the Sound Asleep Podcast was born.

I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I love to ski, hike, read, drink coffee, and of course hang out with my beloved Bernedoodle.